Creative Solutions to the Coronavirus: Jeffrey Cooper Responds
How the NH Furniture Masters are using creativity and craftsmanship to overcoming this global crisis
How have you been keeping busy during the quarantine?
Happily, I have work and more work in the design stages. But I’m working at a more relaxed pace these days, spending more time in the garden, doing some hiking and biking even on weekdays. So oddly, it’s been kind of pleasant. I have my patrons to thank for that. No cancellations due to the Covid.
Are you continuing to stay busy with work? How has this affected you?
Mostly I live home to shop, shop to home. Go for an hour hike with Abby from the house to nearby woods and coastline. Perhaps once a week a half hour drive to Mt. Agamenticus where we are redlining the trails. A couple times a longer drive to the Belknap range for a longer hike.
Has this changed your creativity at all? Do you find yourself using new or different creative outlets?
I’ve been working on a straight sculptural piece. It’s inspired by Picasso, The Three Graces which I saw at the Picasso Museum in Malaga, Spain last September. I’d like to more work that is sculptural, not furniture. Question is, does it sell, or rather, will it sell while I’m still alive or only after I’m dead and famous.
What are you missing the most as a result of the coronavirus crisis?
Just feeling carefree. With things loosening up, and getting a sense of where risk really is and where it’s only imagined, we are starting to see friends again. But in groups of 10, which is a nice size gathering.
To learn more about Furniture Master Jeffrey Cooper, visit his Meet the Masters page. See the video below for a project that Jeffrey is currently working on. Click here for the best viewing option for the video.[0]=68.ARAansFfVFPYIJL5XQeHtC8Ka7FQJDyIMXJ1Rx5OCBC3jla677SEy4vwaNGIbyP9XrOlhmS6BnKvqWUQILCU0Pem1f-dL-vKHmg0YY6zbkUggiTJqXRxmCnuyRTAr6mnHutJvZTZ586pu0t_0jPGqt5c0cEbWRJbzPDqKWqYfXHxtbPRVQq1xafRSS9vtrREx3sM0wZGzIursh199y-q1cxZF1BQLLeAgv_uVSdAo6NyO9MMhs6wCyMMpQiLcEJUnKBX_44IMLBHvKe5lnfYPEnlf9J9WzsCI87A58Moozl_1-fO51RX4abjmnVIu-Hqq9FxdBMfwHt1bcypHVlHD85X9TVCZ2rJ&__tn__=-R